Photobooth Rent LA

Photo booth Places and Venues

The well-known Photo Booth Rent LA is located in Los Angeles. We investigate the complexities of the wonder city in this blog category, which also contains updates from events where our rental photo booth has been used, including tiny cities like North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Lake Balboa, Panorama City, Northridge, and more!

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Why PhotoBoothRentLA is the best for dark and small indoor venues!

If you’re having a hard time finding a reliable photo booth for your private indoor venue, watch the video below. The photographers, or rather the photo booth attendant you might be considering if you’re not booking Photo Booth Rent LA may not have the knowledge or skillset to deal with venue uncertainties. Some venues we’ve […]

Why PhotoBoothRentLA is the best for dark and small indoor venues! Read More »

Hollywood photo of PhotoBoothRentLA

PhotoBooth Rental Coverage for the North East areas of San Fernado Valley

These are our PhotoBooth Rental coverage for the North East areas of the San Fernando Valley, California While it’s rarely highlighted, the Northeast San Fernando Valley is home to several residential communities that are close to commercial and industrial zones (we’re looking at you, Budweiser near Van Nuys!). Now… How does this relate to recent

PhotoBooth Rental Coverage for the North East areas of San Fernado Valley Read More »

Hollywood photo of PhotoBoothRentLA

Advantage of having your wedding at the Newhall Mansion in Piru

Piru! Piru? Don’t you mean Peru!! (Should you do weddings here?) we think you should! No, I wasn’t referring to Peru! Piru is a small town (let’s call it that) near Santa Clarita. It is buried above the Santa Clara river, surrounded by the hilly landscapes of the northern San Fernando valley. Newhall Mansion is

Advantage of having your wedding at the Newhall Mansion in Piru Read More »

Photobooth Rent LA